But the pros have a secret that makes their photos so much better!
Professional photographers never publish their photos without post‑processing
And that’s one of the main reasons why their photos are so stunning.
But if you look at their photos BEFORE editing, they often look very different.
So let me show you exactly what I mean…
Move the slider above to compare the original and edited photos.
The original photo on the left definitely doesn’t create the reaction it should create.
There’s low contrast, the colors are dull and it just doesn’t look great. Now compare it to the edited version on the right. It’s crazy how different this photo looks after editing!
It only took me 3 minutes to edit this photo. But what a difference it made.
But isn't photo editing cheating?
Now, you might think that photo editing is like cheating. And you’d be right. Because the difference you can create in a quick 3-minute photo editing session is enormous…
But the truth is that it doesn't matter if it's cheating.
You see, all professional photographers (and all the best amateurs) edit their photos. So if you want your photos to look as good as theirs, you definitely have to edit them.
If you don't edit your photos, they won’t look as good as they should. They won't get the recognition they deserve. And you won't become a respected photographer.
Sure, Ansel Adams couldn’t edit his photos. But did you know that he spent HOURS polishing each photo in the darkroom to get the exact look he wanted? It was just like editing (except it took him way longer). It's one of the secrets behind his success.
Of course, it's possible to ruin your photos by over-editing them. Facebook and Instagram are full of such photos. Using strong vintage filters is rarely a good idea.
But if you edit your photos correctly, most people won't even notice the editing. They'll simply see sharp and clear photos with stunning colors and flawless exposure.
They won't even see the editing that got you there. And that’s how it should be.
Photo editing should only take minutes – but it will take hours if you don’t do it right
If you’re anything like me, you don’t have hours to work on your photos.
And if you have time, wouldn’t you prefer to spend it with your family or taking more photos? Photography is only fun when you’re not glued to your computer for hours.
If you’ve ever come back from vacation with hundreds (or thousands) of photos, you know what I mean. It takes HOURS to sort through them all, not to mention editing.
As a professional photographer I know that time equals money. After each shoot I have to deliver hundreds of stunning photos. Editing quickly is a key part of my business.
It used to take me WEEKS to edit hundreds of photos after my photo shoots.
But now I can do it in an hour. And my photos look so much better than before.
Do you want to know my secret? Well, here it is…
Lightroom is the only photo editing software that actually saves you time
Yes, there are many photo editing tools that can do the job.
But no other tool makes it faster to sort through hundreds of photos, find the ones you'd like to keep, and quickly edit them in batches.
And recently Lightroom has become a real photo editing powerhouse. Advanced edits that used to take me several hours now only take a few clicks in Lightroom!
That’s why all the professional photographers I know have now switched to Lightroom.
But if you’re reading this, the chances are you’re not a professional photographer.
And the thought of editing your photos may even seem a bit scary to you.
And trust me, you’re definitely not alone…
When I first bought Lightroom, I honestly thought I was too old to figure it out
It’s crazy how quickly young people get technology…
Now, I’d like to think of myself as young and tech-savvy, but that’s definitely not how I felt when I first opened Lightroom.
You see, Lightroom is built for efficient editing workflows. It helps you quickly organize a large number of photos. And when you're looking for a specific image, you can find it on any device (including your tablet and smartphone) in seconds.
But this efficiency comes with a cost. There's a steep learning curve, and it could take you months (or years) to figure it out on your own.
The user interface is overwhelming. The built-in Library makes no sense. The Cloud is confusing. There are hundreds of sliders to choose from. There’s jargon everywhere.
And on top of that, you actually need to know how you want to edit each of your photos!
But as a professional photographer I had no choice. I just had to figure out Lightroom because I knew it would save me hours and hours of editing. So here’s what I did…
I spent the next six months going through dozens of Lightroom books and courses
If you've ever tried learning software from books, you know how frustrating it is. The graphics are out of date so nothing looks the same on your screen. You can't see the entire workflow all the way from import to export. It's complicated. And it’s boring.
I had better luck with online courses, but most of them were also out of date. These courses also skipped over many important steps as if I knew them already.
They clearly weren't made for beginners!
Now, I'm a technical guy. And my photography buddies helped me out with the things I didn’t understand. I didn't give up, and six months later I knew Lightroom inside out.
Needless to say, the quality of my photos improved dramatically.
It used to take me weeks to edit hundreds of photos after a day of shooting. Thanks to Lightroom I can now do it in hours. And right now my photos look so much better!
Thanks to Lightroom, my photos are also organized better.
If you've ever struggled to find a specific photo, you know why it's so important. With Lightroom I can quickly find any photo I need – even if I took it many years ago.
And it only happened because I took the time to learn Lightroom.
Now, at this point you're probably wondering…
How you can improve your photos in Lightroom without spending hours on editing
And for a long time I didn't have an easy answer for people like you.
I'm a technical guy. But when I first bought Lightroom I was completely stuck. So unless you're a computer genius, learning through trial and error isn't an option.
So instead you could read boring books, take outdated online courses and get advice from professional photographers…
And if you can put all the pieces together, you will figure out Lightroom on your own.
That's what I did, and it worked for me. But it definitely wasn't easy or fast.
In fact, it was so hard that I wanted to create an easier option for people like you. I know my students are busy and they don't have months (or years) to figure out Lightroom.
And that’s why I created something absolutely unique…
Lightroom Editing Mastery
Lightroom Editing Mastery is an online course that will turn ordinary photos into stunning magazine-quality images in 3 minutes or less.
Even if you've never edited photos before, you could become a skilled photo editor by this time tomorrow. Watch my step-by-step videos, try out the same edits yourself and you’ll get better fast. Photo editing isn’t hard when it’s explained step-by-step!
I'll even give you the actual photos that I'm working on in each video. So you'll be able to do the same edits on your own computer while I’m explaining everything I do.
Within just a few hours of taking this course you'll be able to:
And best of all, this course will also help you improve your old photos. You'll know how to improve even your best photos – especially if you haven’t edited them before.
It's great to add new life to your favorite old photos. So when you find a photo that really matters to you, you'll know how to give it the professional look it deserves!
Here's what your life will look like after Lightroom Editing Mastery
Picture this.
You've just returned from vacation with a thousand photos.
You open Lightroom, plug in your camera, and after a couple of clicks it imports all your photos. It's quick and effortless to store and organize your photo library.
You know that you'll be able to find any photo you need on any computer, smartphone or tablet even years later. Lightroom even backs your photos up while you sleep!
You know exactly what to do next. And 10 minutes later you’ve made a selection of 100 photos you'd like to start editing straight away.
You open your first photo, and you immediately see how to make it better.
You know exactly what to do. And just three minutes later your photo has turned into a jaw-dropping masterpiece you'd normally see in a magazine.
And here comes the best part…
You've already done the hard work. And now with just a click of a button you can copy the same edits to dozens of other photos.
Not only are you saving time…
You're also creating a consistent look that conveys the right mood to the viewer. The pros like to stick to a consistent color scheme in their photos, and so should you.
You take a few minutes to fix mistakes in some of the photos.
And less than an hour later, you're DONE!
You now have 100 magazine-quality photos that you can proudly print or share online.
These are the kind of photos you'd get from the pros. Except this time it was YOU who shot and edited them!
And that's what you'll get from Lightroom Editing Mastery.
So what's covered in Lightroom Editing Mastery?
The short answer is EVERYTHING.
Lightroom Editing Mastery covers all Lightroom functions that are actually useful. As a professional photographer I've spent years and years editing my photos in Lightroom.
If you can do it in Lightroom, I've done it. And if it's useful, it's in the course.
So here's a small sample of what's covered in the course:
You don't need a computer science PhD to become a Lightroom editing expert
If you've struggled to learn software before, you're definitely not alone.
I still remember how hard it was to understand Lightroom when I first got started. So I created this course for beginners.
We start from the very beginning without assuming any prior knowledge. So by the time we get to advanced editing, you'll be very comfortable with how Lightroom works.
I explain technical topics in everyday English. I avoid technical jargon as much as I can. And when I have to use technical terms, I don't assume you knew them before.
Every video features a recording of my screen showing you exactly what I do. But I don't just show you which buttons to press. I also explain the reasons behind everything I do.
It's unlikely that you'll ever get stuck in my course. But in case you need help, you can always ask any questions under each video. We'll definitely get back to you.
You no longer have to be a computer genius to understand Lightroom!
An outstanding experience.
Everywhere you go.
Learn anywhere with an internet connection...
Or watch this course using our iPhone or iPad app.
And in case you get stuck or have any questions...
We’re here to help every step of the way!
Learn at your own pace.
Anywhere in the world.
49 videos
264 minutes
Lifetime access
A publisher you
can trust.
So how much does it cost?
Now, you're probably wondering about the cost of this course.
But first, I'd like to ask you a question…
How much is your photo library really worth to you?
Think about your photos of family reunions, weddings, vacations, pets, children or grandchildren growing up…
If you're like me, these photos mean EVERYTHING to you.
But unless you're good at editing, they will never look as good as they should.
You won’t feel proud about them. You certainly won't be excited to share them online.
By making a small investment in your education today, you'll finally give your photos the look they deserve. They’ll look so great that your friends will be begging for prints!
Now, the regular price of Lightroom Editing Mastery is .
It's a great deal considering how much time this course will save you each year.
But today you won't be paying the regular price.
So today you can get lifetime access to Lightroom Editing Mastery for just .
And to make it even more affordable, you can pay in 3 easy payments of .
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